Superior Award Winners
Alam Jamal
U.S. Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA)
Deputy Director of Intelligence -
Col Carter Smyth, USA
U.S. Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR)
Director of the Joint Integration and Coordination Cell -
Col Daniel Brewster, USAF
1st Joint Special Operations Aviation Command (JSOAC)
Deputy Senior Intelligence Officer -
E-7/CPO Jonathan Fitzpatrick, USCG
Tactical Law Enforcement Team Pacific (TACLET Pacific)
Team Chief & Deployable Team Leader, Law Enforcement Detachment 111 -
LCDR Jason Peterson, USN
U.S. Special Operations Pacific (SOCPAC)
Division Chief of Innovation, Engineering, Plans & Exercises - SOJ65 -
LtCol Joshua Freedman, USMC
U.S. Marine Forces Special Operations Command (MARFORSOC)