Tom Yuzuik
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Chief, Warfighter Integration Division
Chief, Warfighter Integration Division
2024 CBRN Defense Conference and Exhibition : Demostrations, Experiments, and Accelerating Acquisition
2024 CBRN Defense Conference and Exhibition : Demostrations, Experiments, and Accelerating Acquisition
Tom Yuzuik is the Warfighter Integration Division Chief with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and Joint Science and Technology Organization (JSTO) in support of the Chemical Biological Defense Program (CBDP). As the Division Warfighter Integration Division Chief, Tom oversees strategic planning, future year fiscal resourcing and out-year experimentation that includes Chemical/Biological Operational Analysis (CBOA), Advance Technical Demonstrations (Tenacious Dragon series) and concepts. Tom proudly served as former Army officer with tours to Iraq and Korea.
- Michael Bailey
- Dr Charles Bass
- John Bestall
- Mary Ellen Callahan
- COL Robert Carter
- COL Matthew Clark
- Dr Ron Coleman
- Darryl Colvin
- Dr Frederick Cox
- David Cullen
- Jesse Shamar Deberry
- Julia Dooher
- Ron Fizer
- MAJOR GEN Paul Friedrichs
- Paul Gietka Jr
- Bruce Goodwin
- Dr. Shannon Greene
- Dr Ron Hann
- John Hannan
- Dr David Hone
- Christopher Houchens
- Craig Kennedy
- William King
- Dr Robert Kristovich
- Dave Lyons
- COL Thamar Main
- Dr Oren Milstein
- MAJ Kenneth Moran
- David Norquist
- COL Jay Reckard USA Ret
- Dr Jason Roos
- CAPT Mark Scheckelhoff
- Dr Richard Schoske
- Cassandra Simmons-Brown
- Tom Yuzuik