Jesse Shamar Deberry
20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Command
Command Chief Warrant Officer 4
Command Chief Warrant Officer 4
2024 CBRN Defense Conference and Exhibition : Counting the WMD Threat Across the Globe and in the Homeland
2024 CBRN Defense Conference and Exhibition : Counting the WMD Threat Across the Globe and in the Homeland
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Deberry is a native of Columbia, South Carolina. He enlisted in the Army as Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Specialist in 1998, attending One Station Unit Training at Fort McClellan, Alabama. In 2011 CW4 Deberry transitioned from the enlisted ranks to the warrant officer cohort as the one of the first CBRN Warrant Officers in the United States Army.Throughout his 25 year military career CW4 Deberry has served in a variety of leadership and staff positions. His assignments include Squad Leader, 101ST Chemical Company, Fort Bragg, NC 1998-2002; Training NCO, Heidelberg Medical Activity, Heidelberg, Germany 2002-2005; US Army Drill Sergeant, Bravo 1/13 Infantry Battalion, Fort Jackson, SC 2005-2007; Brigade Operations Sergeant, 501ST Sustainment Brigade (SBDE), Camp Carrol, Korea 2007-2008; Force Protection NCOIC, 82ND Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC 2008-2011; Battalion CBRN Technician, 1-62 Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Battalion, Fort Hood, TX 2011-2014; Battalion CBRN Technician, 2-319TH Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, Fort Bragg, NC, 2014-2015; Division CBRN Technician, 82ND Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC 2015-2016; Regimental Chief Warrant Officer (RCWO), Fort Leonardwood, MO 2016-2018; Senior Warrant Officer Adviser (SWOA), 48TH Chemical Brigade, Fort Hood, TX 2018-2021; He currently serves as the CCWO for the 20TH Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE) Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), MD.
CW4 Deberry’ s deployments include: Bahrain, 101ST Chemical Company 2001-2002; Afghanistan, 82ND Airborne Division, Division Special Troops Battalion (DSTB) 2008-2009; Jordan and United Arab Emirates 1-62 Air Defense Artillery (ADA) 2013- 2014.
CW4 Deberry military education includes; the Primary Leadership Development Course, Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course, Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course, Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS), CBRN Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC), CBRN Warrant Officer Advance Course (WOAC), Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education (WOILE), Airborne School, US Army Drill Sergeant School, Technical Escort Course, Battle Staff Course, How the Army Runs Course/Force Management Course, Antiterrorism Officer Advance Course. His civilian education includes; Bachelors of Science in Homeland Security from the University of Maryland and a Masters of Arts in Acquisition and Procurement Management with a certification in Government Contracting from Webster University.
CW4 Deberry’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal (6 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (6 OLC), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal (5 OLC), Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Wings and Drill Sergeant Badge.
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- John Bestall
- Mary Ellen Callahan
- COL Robert Carter
- COL Matthew Clark
- Dr Ron Coleman
- Darryl Colvin
- Dr Frederick Cox
- David Cullen
- Jesse Shamar Deberry
- Julia Dooher
- Ron Fizer
- MAJOR GEN Paul Friedrichs
- Paul Gietka Jr
- Bruce Goodwin
- Dr. Shannon Greene
- Dr Ron Hann
- John Hannan
- Dr David Hone
- Christopher Houchens
- Craig Kennedy
- William King
- Dr Robert Kristovich
- Dave Lyons
- COL Thamar Main
- Dr Oren Milstein
- MAJ Kenneth Moran
- David Norquist
- COL Jay Reckard USA Ret
- Dr Jason Roos
- CAPT Mark Scheckelhoff
- Dr Richard Schoske
- Cassandra Simmons-Brown
- Tom Yuzuik