Lawrence Fan
Program Manager, Joint Enhanced Munition Technology Program
65th Annual Fuze Conference
Mr. Lawrence Fan is a program manager for the OUSD R&E Joint Enhanced Munition Technology Program. The JEMTP invests and executes 6.2 and 6.3 munitions technology projects that apply and transition into advanced weapon prototypes and pre-acquisition demonstrations.
Mr. Fan is based out of the Energetics Technology Department at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division. Since entering government service in 1990, he has supported fuzing development for gun projectile, mine clearance and torpedo applications. He has headed several fuze R&D projects including the development of the S&A Device for the Navy’s Countermeasure Anti-Torpedo Torpedo. Mr. Fan served as the program manager for the Joint Fuze Technology Program (JFTP) from 2010 to 2021 and also was the acting program manager for JEMTP in Fiscal Year 2021. When the JEMTP and JFTP merged into a single program on 1 October 2021, Mr. Fan assumed the Program Manager role of the newly combined JEMTP.