Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Webinar Current Environment for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles

Tactical Wheeled Vehicles
  • 3/4/2021 1:00 - 3:00 pm
  • Event Type : Webinar
    Event Code : 1530


Join the Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Division on March 4th!

NDIA’s Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (TWV) Division works to increase the overall understanding of the U.S. military's tactical vehicle needs among all sectors involved. This year, it will do so through a brand-new webinar series. To kick off the series, Mr. Timothy Goddette and Col John Gutierrez, joined by various project and program managers, will host the “Current Environment for Tactical Wheeled Vehicles” webinar during the afternoon of March 4, 2021.


This two-hour webinar has a packed agenda, including welcome remarks and introductions by the NDIA TWV Division Chair, Barry Tyree; discussions by representatives of the U.S. Army PEO CS&CSS, Transportation Systems and Joint Light Tactical Vehicles project office on challenges, opportunities, and trends for 2021;  and discussions by representatives of Marine Corps Systems Command regarding Light, Medium & Heavy Tactical Vehicles programs. Together, we’ll examine current and emerging studies and programs in an effort to uncover valuable insights for the TWV community across the Services. There will even be opportunities for direct Q&A between participants and speakers. You won’t want to miss this groundbreaking webinar.

Learn more about the NDIA TWV Division at NDIA.org/Divisions/Tactical-Wheeled-Vehicles.

*Please note: This event is open to press/media

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