NDIA Greater Tampa Bay Chapter's Honors 9/11 Breakfast Series

Greater Tampa Bay Chapter
  • 9/11/2019 7:00am - 9:00am
  • The Centre Club
    123 S Westshore Blvd 8th/Top Floor
    Tampa,  FL  33609
    United States
  • Event Type : Breakfast, Seminar
    Event Code : 166


NDIA Greater Tampa Bay Chapter Honors 9/11 - Breakfast Series

Please join the NDIA Greater Tampa Bay Chapter for a special breakfast series for a brief invocation to honor September 11th. The event will be presented by George “Saul” Youstra, Ch, Col, USAF USSOCOM Chaplain and Ms. Heather Engel, CSO for Sera-Brynn.

Ms. Engel will discuss her most recent study completed, “Challenges in Complying With DFARS and NIST Cybersecurity Requirements".

Please register at: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07egjqbayzd6349d05&c=eb0ed2d0-2e1c-11e9-83ae-d4ae5292c4dd&ch=eb291190-2e1c-11e9-83ae-d4ae5292c4dd

For further questions or concerns please contact Catherine Nelson cnelson.ndia19@yahoo.com


NDIA Greater Tampa Bay Chapter's Honors 9/11 Breakfast Series