Richard De Fatta
Acting Director, Future Warfare Center
10th Annual Integrated Air and Missile Defense Symposium : U.S. Army Vision for the Future of Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense
Richard P. De Fatta joined USASMDC/ARSTRAT and the Senior Executive Service in 2013 and has more than 38 years of professional leadership experience, in both government and contractor positions, with 34 years specific to acquisition: development, testing, production, fielding, sustainment, and Life Cycle support of major weapons systems and emerging technologies. Significant programs include: Pershing II, Laser Countermeasure Weapons, Combat Vehicle Survivability, Kwajalein Missile Range, Medium Extended Air Defense System, STINGER, Sentinel Radar, Surface Launched AMRAAM, Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser, JLENS, Integrated Fire Control, BMDS systems and testing, and Targets and Countermeasures. Mr. De Fatta currently serves as the Acting Director, Future Warfare Center, USASMDC/ARSTRAT, responsible for Space and Global Ballistic Missile Defense Doctrine and Training, Concept Developments, Decision Support, and the TRADOC Capability Managers for Space and High Altitude and Global Ballistic Missile Defense. He previously served as the acting Technical Center Director and Air and Missile Defense Director; responsible for developing technology and providing support in the areas of directed energy, interceptors, research and advanced concepts, space, advanced hypersonic weapons and the Reagan Test Site.
He retired from the Army as a colonel in 2005 and spent more than seven years in senior contractor positions providing systems engineering, integration, test, program management, and technical support to Department of Defense programs responsible for the development, production, and fielding of missile defense weapon systems.
Mr. De Fatta’s previous military assignments include: project manager, Cruise Missile Defense Systems (formerly SHORAD), Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space; chief of staff to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology; product manager for the U.S. Medium Extended Air Defense System, Program Executive Office for Air and Missile Defense; director, Kwajalein Missile Range, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command; product manager, Combat Vehicle Signature Management Program, Program Executive Office for Armored Systems Modernization; PEO Air Defense liaison officer for Europe; Laser Countermeasure program manager, Directed Energy Directorate, U.S. Army Missile Command Research Development Engineering Center; and Research and Development coordinator, Pershing Project Office.
Mr. De Fatta graduated in 1978 from the U.S. Military Academy with a Bachelor of Science in engineering and later earned a Master of Science in engineering physics from the Air Force Institute of Technology and a Master of Science in systems management from the Florida Institute of Technology. He attended the U.S. Army War College and U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. A member of the Army Acquisition Corps since its inception, he completed the Executive PM, Advanced PM, and Military Acquisition Management courses, and is level III certified in program management.
During his military career, Mr. De Fatta received the Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit (two oak leaf clusters), Meritorious Service Medal (three oak leaf clusters), Army Commendation Medal (three oak leaf clusters), the Army Achievement Medal, Army Staff Identification Badge, and Parachutist Badge.
He and his wife have been married for more than 33 years and have a son and daughter.