How Washington Works - Navigating the DOD

11/2/2016 - 11/3/2016
WBB, Inc.
11790 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston,  Virginia  20191
Tel: (703) 448-6081
Event Type : Course
Event Code : 743A
Ever wondered how the Department of Defense (DoD) goes about buying something from start to finish? The How Washington Works® training course gives those who attend the understanding and insights into the processes that guide DoD actions and decisions for the future. The two-day course is a fast-paced overview of the three principal DoD decision-making support systems and how they are used by the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and USSOCOM to provide an integrated approach to strategic planning, capabilities needs assessment, systems acquisition, and program and budget development. How Washington Works® is ideal for those who are new to or routinely do business with the DoD. Participants will be provided the fundamental concepts and background of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), Defense Acquisition System (DAS), the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process. Participants will then review how the individual Services and USSOCOM: implement the DOD processes through their requirements generation and justification, and PPBE organizations; have tailored internal processes; and what are their current strategic resource priorities. The course is taught by a cadre of highly qualified and experienced instructors whom have extensive prior government service (military and civilian) as well as continued expertise through ongoing consulting and technical services.Course Details - The course is composed of the following training modules:
- Capabilities-Based Planning/JCIDS: Examines the DoD, Joint Staff, and service organizations and respective activities related to the capabilities-based planning process and the January 2012 changes to the Joint Capabilities Integrated Development System (JCIDS). Who and when to influence the capability requirements processes in each of the services is discussed. Examples are used to highlight the processes and how it really works day-to-day.
- Acquisition: Describes the organizations and processes associated with DOD 5000 and acquisition reform initiatives, contrasting theory from practice. The material has been updated to include changes promulgated in the recently released interim DoD Instruction 5000.02.
- PPBE: Explains each element of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution process in detail, highlighting the process and the roles of service staff, Joint Staff, OSD, and Congress.
- Working with Congress: Provides an overview of the organization of Congressional committee structure affecting DOD program and budget reviews, and explores the role of politics and personalities in affecting multi-billion dollar programs.
- Military Services: Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps modules examine the requirements generation and justification process, PPBE process, service organization, and the individual service strategic priorities.
- Special Operations Forces: Provides an overview of the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) organization, missions, and unique requirements, budget, and acquisition processes.
Small Business Discount
We are pleased to offer a registration discount for companies in the small business category. You must email Carol Dwyer at first before registering online at the Small Business Discount rate. This discount is limited to 5 seats per class. Only one person, per small business company, will qualify at the reduced rate.
Class Size
The class is limited to 50 students, and registrations are accepted on a first paid, first enrolled basis.
Please plan to attend in business casual attire
Contact Info/Inquiries/Questions
NDIA POC: Ms. Carol Dwyer, or (703) 247-2582
Acquisition Programs