NDIA statement on provisions to America COMPETES Act

ARLINGTON, VA -- The National Defense Industrial Association offers the following statement on the America COMPETES Act of 2022:
NDIA applauds the House of Representatives for including provisions important to the defense industry in the America COMPETES Act. As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) described, the bill is to ensure America can “outcompete any nation.”
Similar to the Senate’s bipartisan-supported U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) of 2021 bill, passed last June, America COMPETES aims to increase semiconductor manufacturing by including $52 billion to make chips. NDIA is among 21 organizations that signed a letter this week, stating it is essential that Congress act swiftly to provide funding to make this law a reality. “Our global competitors are investing heavily in semiconductor manufacturing and research,” the letter states, and continued U.S. inaction “risks placing our country further behind in the competition for economic growth, supply chain resilience, technology leadership and strengthened national security.” The CHIPS Act passed more than a year ago, but the chip shortage continues. We need action now to fortify semiconductor manufacturing and research.
Of equal importance, the House version also includes an amendment to reauthorize the Small Business Innovation Research program (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer program (STTR), expiring at the end of fiscal year 2022.
Reauthorizing the SBIR/STTR program is critical to small-businesses’ ability to develop emerging technologies for America’s economic future and national security. As USICA and America COMPETES are reconciled in the coming weeks, NDIA implores Congress to include reauthorization of SBIR/STTR in the final bill. We ask Congress to take steps to remedy the severe impact chip supply-chain disruptions have on the U.S. manufacturing base and our national security complex.
The legislation in both bills seeks to foster innovation and our competitive advantage, address critical issues in supply-chain resiliency and develop talent in the United States. NDIA supports a bipartisan, bicameral effort to ensure legislation that protects our competitive edge is rapidly signed into law.
For media queries, contact Evamarie Socha at esocha@NDIA.org.