Call for Papers

We invite high-quality professional presentations that reflect the Fuze Conference theme of “Fuzing Solutions – A Global Perspective”.


This event is UNCLASSIFIED. The meeting format has been established to support individual presentation of technical papers by military, government, and industry executive and technical personnel. Papers can be submitted for presentation at an “Open Session” or a "DoD/U.S. DoD Contractors Only” closed session. Classified abstracts or papers will not be accepted. Based on historical precedent, Open Session abstracts and papers have a greater likelihood of being selected and will reach a broader audience.

Where possible, related papers will be grouped together to enhance audience interest and participation. Authors can make a request to have specific papers, related to theirs, be grouped together, based on availability. Papers are solicited for topics relating to requirements, technical developments and innovation; program status; and methods of addressing DoD and STANAG mandated changes. Presenters are encouraged to select fresh topics, which would be of interest to an audience of fuze managers and technical personnel. Presentation of papers from foreign partners is encouraged.

Individuals are required to submit a concise abstract of 5000 characters or less no later than February 2, 2018. Authors will be notified if their proposed has been accepted or not accepted for presentation around late February.

Please upload your abstract via the NDIA website here and complete ALL required information. ALL papers must be submitted electronically in accordance with specific instructions included in author notification.

Presentations should be in Microsoft Power Point Format (all versions accepted). Oral presentations will be limited to twenty (20) minutes, including five (5) minutes for questions. Abstracts, papers, and presentations for the “Open Session” will feature an international audience. Abstracts and presentations for the “DoD/U.S. DoD Contractors Only” closed session must also be approved for limited distribution. Please be sure to label your Paper as “Open” or “U.S. Only.”

The following subjects are suggested, although submissions are not limited to subjects in these categories of Fuze Technology.


Fuze Programs Explosives

  • Development
  • Devices
  • Production
  • Explosive Trains
  • Demilitarization
  • Initiation Methods
  • Materials/Process/Testing


  • Fuze Setters
  • Safety & Reliability
  • Data Recorders
  • Commercial & Gov. Standards

Design Descriptions

  • Fuzing Systems

Fuze Component Technology

  • Fuzing Requirements
  • Electronic Components
  • Analyses
  • Environment Sensors
  • Materials
  • MEMS
  • Processes
  • Power Sources
  • Testing Methods
  • Safety & Arming Devices