Hotel Lodging and Event Parking

Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City Hotel

NDIA has secured a room block for the period of May 17 - 18, 2017.  The Deluxe Room rate is $299 per night for a single or double room (plus applicable taxes).

Make sure to reserve your room early as hotel space sells out quickly at this time of year. 

To reserve a room for May 17th and/or May 18th,  call hotel room reservations, Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City at 703-415-5000.  The group code is NDIA Eisenhower Dinner. 


Event Parking

Parking validation is available.  Guests arriving after 5:30 PM can validate their valet ticket at NDIA Registration in the Plaza Foyer. 

Valet parking is $16.  Self parking is only available in the Pentagon City Mall parking lot