Linking Leaders

 Linking Leaders
PDAC Chair View
Dave Broden

NDIA National Defense leadership and strength is assured through communication; collaboration; and consolidation initiatives by senior leadership, staff and membership activities in Divisions and Chapters. Each of the three “C’s” is shaped by the evolving dynamics of National Defense policy, budgets, threats, and acceleration of technology and system capabilities. NDIA events and media resources provide membership with information and event opportunities. The Program Development Advisory Council (PDAC),was established in 2017 with the purpose of facilitating communication between NDIA Senior Management and staff and membership, Divisions and Chapters. As the current PDAC Chair I lead a group of 14 Chapter (Terry McKearney Vice Chair) and Division (Wayne Fujito Vice Chair) leaders. PDAC objectives are to:

  1. facilitate communication of NDIA initiatives to Divisions and Chapters;

  2. listen to topics and comment of leaders to identify topics for PDAC attention;

  3. assess topics and identify recommendations which benefit Divisions, Chapters or other NDIA member activity.

I am proud to report that over the past year PDAC actions have increased Chapter initiatives, established collaboration between divisions and chapters, and supported Senior Management vision. The PDAC is a NDIA resource available to all  Leaders—we encourage each of you to communicate with PDAC as you plan and conduct activities, need . Communicate with PDAC through NDIA staff (email in the Contact Us section) or direct email to PDAC leaders (; PDAC activity highlights are outlined below;

Communication: PDAC encourages communication between Divisions, Chapters, and membership. Input to PDAC offers benefits to share information regarding segment activity benefiting members. We will ensure action on topics received.

Collaboration: Collaboration among Divisions, Chapters, the industrial base and government agencies and related organizations ensures that NDIA activities are relevant to the dynamic changes in National Defense policy, technology, programs etc. NDIA recognizes the breadth of organization of relevance to Divisions and Chapters and has begun to identify organizations with relevance to  Division and Chapters and establish links to share activities. PDAC is focused to assist each Division, and Chapter to define the Community of Interest (COI) which addresses the extended community   of organizations and agencies which are relevant.

Consolidation: PDAC recognizes the number of events with similar topics and themes. We are assessing the relevance of events and activities to seek focus of activity. This includes within NDIA and with similar complementary organizations.

In summary PDAC is a “Value Added Resource” available and  focused to collaborate with NDIA Leadership of headquarters, Divisions, and Chapters to address NDIA Enterprise Vision addressing National Defense Industrial Base. As PDAC chair I together with Terry and Wayne look forward to expanding the communication and collaboration among the NDIA team.

Chapter View
Terry McKearney

As a fellow NDIA chapter president, I want to thank you for taking on the task of being the face of NDIA in your local area. I’m convinced that chapters are the backbone of the Association and VP for Programs Frank Michael has done a terrific job of setting strategic priorities for development of our chapters and has assembled a dedicated and skilled staff to support us. Under Frank’s leadership, the Program Development Advisory Council (PDAC) was established to provide a formal process for taking our views and concerns as local leaders of the Association and directing them into the Association’s policies and events. For example, the PDAC has been working to establish a “communities of influence” (COI) program to allow NDIA to work across chapters, divisions, and organizations to focus on defense polices in high interest and vitally important topics. Our first COI on hypersonic technology has just begun to explore the needs of this cutting edge technology in defense applications.

For those of involved in and invested in NDIA chapter leadership, the rush and demands of managing the chapter can become so preoccupying that we may lose sight of, or at least, lose mindfulness of, why our chapters exist and the true value they bring to our members, the Association, and the very critical business of defending our country. So a few thoughts on orienting our chapters towards those “stars to steer by.”

First, chapters need to focus on their members. Sounds obvious and like the proverbial motherhood and apple pie, but I’ve found that we chapter leaders get caught up in the mechanics of just keeping the chapter going and can easily forget to stop and feel the pulse of their members. What are the concerns of the NDIA members in your region? What kind of events would best serve the particular needs of your members? Who are their main customers and how are these customers doing? How can you reach out to these government customers your members are doing business with to bring them closer together? I urge you to answer these questions as you plan your chapter activities. I also urge you to take a close look at NDIA’s divisions and affiliates and reach out to those that focus on enterprises reflected in your local membership; participating in division and affiliate events is a benefit of membership and chapters can contribute to the effectiveness of the NDIA organizations.

I mention above reaching out to your local government “customers.” I encourage you to reach out to the leadership of these commands and agencies and understand their needs and concerns. While our chapters have been established in locations near local government defense establishments, we need to make ourselves known to these government customers and use our chapter as a catalyst for interaction between the government and our local members.

Secondly, I feel strongly that chapters are the face of not just NDIA, but the defense industry in our local areas. We need to be engaged with the community, aware of local issues as they pertain to defense, and willing to reach out to the local community in articulating not only the importance of a strong national defense, but how that’s reflected in your “neighborhood.” As you know, NDIA takes pride in its role as a 501(c) (3) educational association, not a lobbying organization. It is within this mission to educate that we as involved local members of the defense industry can provide valuable and needed insight into the state of national defense and how our communities have a vital part in our defense preparedness. NDIA VP for Policy Wes Hallman and his crew do a terrific job of publishing information on issues affecting national security. I urge you to maintain dialogue with Wes on the defense related issues you see locally and be ready to speak within your community on those issues NDIA national sees as critical to our county’s security.

Finally, I urge you to use me as a sounding board and conduit for communicating with national NDIA headquarters. As the PDAC Co-Chair for Chapters, I’m very aware of how diverse our chapters and the defense communities they serve are. We need to communicate and collaborate and work together so that all chapters flourish.

Division View
Wayne Fujito

I am privileged to serve as the PDAC Vice Chair for our NDIA Divisions.  I am keenly aware that we all have “day jobs” and serving as Division Chairs and Vice Chairs adds to our overall daily workload.  Nevertheless, I believe our Divisions are doing a great job in carrying out the NDIA mission of championing our respective pertinent issues, building a responsive and collaborative community, and convening, when appropriate, legal and ethical fora for the exchange of industry views, ideas, and responses with our government colleagues.  In my view, our Divisions are serving a critical role in supporting the NDIA enterprise with their respective defense-industry relations with our government customers.

Many of our NDIA Divisions provide invaluable support to the national security enterprise with their major Annual Events.  For example, the Logistics Division conducted the 34th Annual Logistics Forum in May this year; the Expeditionary Warfare Division hosts the 23rd Annual Expeditionary Warfare Conference next week (16-18 October); and the Systems Engineering Division will be supporting the 21st Annual Systems Engineering Conference later this month (22-25 October).  There are other examples I can cite, all of which bring together senior government and industry officials and practitioners to address current issues that are so important to NDIA support for our warfighters.

In July, with NDIA’s assistance, as the PDAC Vice Chair for Divisions, I requested our Division Chairs to define the top three issues you are experiencing or can identify in your responsibilities as Division Chairs for NDIA.   I want to thank those of you who were able to respond.  I received some great inputs and have shared them with NDIA Headquarters.   Hopefully, we can discuss and address some of the issues at the upcoming Leadership Conference on 31 October during the Division Breakout Session.   Some commonly defined issues were data-base management (especially the need for current Division membership lists), records of industry participation at our various events, lack of online collaboration space, and need for understanding of the financials (costs and revenues) for our events.  Additionally, each Division submission had its own unique and pertinent issues.

NDIA requested earlier this year from each Division and Chapter Chair, information for a matrix of our activities – leadership, organization, major activities ongoing and planned, meeting schedules, etc.  The matrices reflect evidence that several of our Divisions are already working together or with a Chapter for a common purpose.  For example, the Cyber Security Division and Manufacturing Division have formed a Cyber Forum for Advanced Manufacturing (CFAM) Joint Working Group comprised of industry and government participants who are heightening awareness of emerging threats, vulnerabilities and consequences in the manufacturing environment and defining actions to mitigate those risks.  The International Division has been involved with two Chapters in support of their international focused events:  In 2017, the Gulf Coast Chapter held a very successful International Air Symposium and in April 2018 the Delaware Valley Chapter conducted its first International Defense Conference.  

In my PDAC assigned responsibilities, I stand ready to assist any Division Chair/Vice Chair who may want to collaborate with either another Division or a Chapter to consider a future event or activity that may be of mutual benefit and synergy for the overall NDIA enterprise.  Collaboration becomes critically important as the Association begins to focus on its five Communities of Interest: artificial intelligence, augmented reality, hypersonics, small business, and the supply chain.

Feedback Forum

The dialogue and exchange of topics, challenges, and concerns among Division and Chapter Leaders offers opportunity for Division, Chapter, and members to realize NDIA benefits. Input to the PDAC and headquarters team via email are encouraged. Each response will be reviewed by the PDAC and NDIA Headquarters team. Each Linking Leaders issue will include a few of the Leader comments as well a related response. The PDAC and headquarters will respond to all submittals. As we develop the effectiveness of this column benefits will result from sharing across divisions, chapters and Communities of Interest (COI). Through this communication the expanded Collaboration will foster on-going links and exchange among segments of the NDIA and DOD National Security community. Please submit your comments, suggestions, etc. to 

For Your Consideration

Here are some suggestions to build a stronger and more effective Division or Chapter. NDIA is the Premier Defense Industrial Base Organization because it provides rigorous in-depth information and resources regarding the National Security policy and issues of the US and Allied Nations which is off value and benefit to government and industry members. Benefits of the information are realized through the NDIA publications and conferences and events planned and executed by the Divisions and Chapters lead by volunteer leaders. The PDAC initiative has evolved to facilitate and provide for dialogue among Divisions and Chapters. The dialogue objective is to enable collaboration regarding topics of common interest and to exchange organizational activity approaches which when shared and applied will strengthen the NDIA segment operation. The exchange of ideas and actions is being realized as Divisions discuss joint functions, chapter are involved with Divisions, and Chapters expand. As this collaboration dialogue evolves and ideas are shared among the Divisions and Chapter the PDAC and NDIA headquarters will identify significant actions which other division and chapters may apply to their organization. Each Linking Leaders issue will identify some of these actions for your consideration. In this issue we encourage each Division and Chapter to list other NDIA components, government agencies, and other organization which are the “Community of Interest” linked to a division or chapter. This will show the depth and breadth of the NDIA community impact and offer ideas for expanded effectiveness.

Action Considerations:

  1. All Divisions and Chapter seek to define COI and share definition with PDAC and with NDIA headquarters. NDIA and PDAC will work with Divisions and chapters to evolve relevant COI and consider related joint activities.

  2. All Division and Chapters send an email to PDAC at  outlining activities and actions which have been beneficial to your organization and offer to initiate collaboration.

  3. Welcome suggestions for Actions beneficial to Divisions and Chapters—email

News you can use/other pertinent resources
Tanya Coogan

Chapter Spotlight

NDIA First Coast Inspires!

On June 13th a historical and special forum, organized by NDIA First Coast, was held at The River Club.  Twenty leaders gathered to include Representatives from Congressman Rutherford’s offices, Dr. Brett Ulander (NDIA FC Chapter President), Gen Craig McKinley (National Chair of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve and Past President and CEO of NDIA),  Frank Michael (NDIA National Senior Vice President, Programs and Membership), Tanya Coogan (NDIA National Membership & Chapter Development, Mr. Terrance McCaffrey (Executive Director, Florida Defense Support Task Force), NDIA Chapter Presidents from Atlanta, Orlando, Tampa and Gulf Coast along with several NDIA FC BOD members.

The meeting was the first time an NDIA Chapter brought together National and Southeast Regional leadership in an informal manner to facilitate sharing of lessons learned and to identify support needed from NDIA National to ensure Chapter and Individual member value and success.

As part of the program Mr. McCaffrey briefed the group on the Florida Defense Support Task Force New 2018 - 2023 Strategic Plan.  This plan outlines the vision, principles and long term goals for the Florida's military installations. It provides a guide for moving forward to strengthen Florida bases and bring additional missions.

The event also included a panel of Chapter Presidents providing candid comments to National and the other attendees on each chapters unique lessons learned and successes leading to lighthearted moments as well as “tough discussions” for building  “National to Chapter” relations.

The four hour forum was followed by a larger “Defense Groups” reception AECOM (also at The River Club)  where the group was privy to a thunderstorm passing by the 34th floor leaving behind a breath taking double rainbow along with 2 DHS helo’s flying over the City of Jacksonville.

Frank Micheal and Tonya Coogan appreciated the grass roots “fresh” approach to problem solving and team building between Chapters and National. NDIA FC plans to facilitate future forums annually in the region and guide other regions in doing the same if requested and NDIA FC was grateful for the support from National!

To view photos of the forum, click here.

Division Spotlight

NDIA Small Business Division
In an effort to better represent NDIA’s 75% small business membership base, NDIA’s Small Business Division is soliciting Liaisons within our 29 additional Divisions and 29 Chapters. This will develop our Community of Influence (COI) as we seek to ensure our members are represented in our headquarter efforts in supporting DoD efforts to better understand issues impacting small businesses.

If you are interested in learning more or being a part of the COI please contact Macon Field at

Upcoming Event:

15 November | NDIA Small Business Quarterly Roundtable

Increase your Company’s Value: Top Ten Mistakes Business Leaders Make that Hurt Their Company’s Valuation

Policy Updates
  • The Department of Defense, Defense Pricing and Contracting Agency (DPC) has opened its Early Engagement Opportunity for the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019. This is an opportunity to provide DPC with inputs on the implementation of provisions contained in the FY 2019 NDAA. Submitting input will help to ensure that DoD prioritizes the implementation of provisions important to your industry. To provide input, please click here or reach out to the NDIA Policy team to coordinate a submission.

  • NDIA is now offering a Regulatory Tracker that lists open FAR and DFARS cases relevant to the defense community, including synopses and status descriptions.  For questions or comments about the Tracker, please email Click here to download and view the tracker.

  • The administration recently released the findings of Executive Order 13806 on Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States. NDIA’s statement on this report can be found here and a summary is available here.

  • The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) has released the Fall 2018 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. This agenda represents the regulations that are planned to be proposed and finalized this fall. To see DoD related rulemakings, click here. If there are proposed regulations that you would like the NDIA Policy team to engage on, please reach out at

  • The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) has engaged NDIA to provide input on how the Defense Logistics Agency protects small business’s intellectual property in its reverse engineering programs for an ongoing congressionally-directed review. If you or your colleagues have input on this review, please reach out to NDIA Director of Regulatory Policy, Corbin Evans as